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Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year! New Music! New Session!

It's time for music! Classes begin Wednesday January 4 in Davie and Tuesday January 10 in Fort Lauderdale. For more information or to sign up for a free trial class -- click the treble clef (in the purple circle) to your right.
I look forward to sharing music with you!
Miss Peggy

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Multi-sensory learning

Babies need learning experiences that stimulate all their senses. In Kindermusik we have found the perfect way to do just that! The "On the Farm" activity is a wonderful example of tapping to multi-sensory learning -- listening to the music and animal sounds, making the animal sounds and moving like animals to the music. Research shows that participating in an activity, such as "On the Farm" activates several senses at the same time, making a number of neural brain connections at once. Multi-sensory learning makes the most lasting impression and with repetition the brain connections are strengthened.

So while you are singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" feel free to move like a duck and quack like a duck too!

Here's another idea! Liven up diaper time by making an animal sound and then waiting for your little one to imitate you. This back and forth barnyard talk could be the extra ingredient needed to divert an upset or cranky child who doesn't want to be changed!

Miss Peggy

Monday, October 24, 2011

Top Ten Reasons to Enroll in Kindermusik

10. You want to nurture your child's love for music...

9. You want more than just a class, you want an experience that you can continue at home...

8. You want a well-rounded experience that develops the whole child; physical, musical, language, social and cognitive...

7. You want a teacher who loves sharing music with you...

6. You want a great value for your money...

5. You want to meet other parents and children who love music like you do...

4. You want one-on-one time with your child...

3. You want class where your child matters, not a kid-factory...

2. You want original music and songs, not just the same old twinkle twinkle...


One-day classes available now. Click on the purple circle to enroll today!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Music and Math Play Well Together

There is no longer any doubt that there is a significant link between early music instruction and cognitive growth in certain other nonmusical abilities, such as math, memory, and spatial-temporal reasoning.

In fact, studies focused specifically on music for young children even suggest that these cognitive gains increase according to the number of years that students engage in active music learning, and even that the younger children are when they begin, the greater the gains will be!

Contact us to set up a free preview class today.

"Early experiences with music that are successful and fun prepare children to be successful in other areas of learning -- particularly math." For a free e-book: The Impact of Music on Mathematics Achievement by Deanne Kells, M.A. click here.

Now who says math can't be fun?!?

Have a Musical Day!
Miss Peggy

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's Free Class time! Aug 31, Sept 1 and Sept 6

The new semester is about to begin! Come check out a Kindermusik class for FREE. Classes are being held at the David Posnack JCC on Wednesday, August 31 and Thursday, September 1. Free classes are also being Held at ArtServe on Tuesday September 6. If you want more information about the classes click on the purple circle to the right to FIND A CLASS and sign up for your free preview. Classes are limited to 12 students so sign up today!
Miss Peggy

Friday, August 19, 2011

Why Music Classes in Early Childhood?

Compelling Reasons for Early Childhood Music Classes.

If you think that music and movement classes for little children are just fluff, an article written by Autumn L. Zander in the Aug-Sep 2010 issue ofAmerican Music Teacher will make you think again. According to Ms. Zander, early childhood music classes (like Kindermusik!) will:

1. Expose children to basic music fundamentals that will help them be successful when pursuing private lessons later.

2. Introduce social skills.

3. Ease children into a nurturing learning environment.

4. Promote peer interaction in a setting in which theyshare, listen to others, and support their friends.

5. Help children discover that different learning styles abound.

6. Make music - and music lessons - a routine priority in their schedule, now and in the future.

Ms. Zander stresses, "Caregivers play an enormous role in the support and commitment needed for children to succeed in private lessons. The musical foundation that teachers strive to introduce and create is nearly impossible to accomplish without the caregiver's support. From the first day of classes, the joy of creating music in a classroom, as many of my own families share with me, continues on the car ride home, in line at the grocery store, at the park, before bed time ... everywhere. What a wonderful foundation to build upon-one in which music is a vibrant and active part of a family's daily life."

Please read Ms. Zander's insightful article in its entirety:

Creating a musical foundation: the value of early childhood music class in the transition to private lessons. The article, in a most excellent way, takes apart and defines the first reason listed above, all the ways that these classes contribute to a child absorbing basic music fundamentals.

Come to a class and watch how these things happen!

Miss Peggy

Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm movin' on up... to the EAST SIDE!!

Greetings Friends!!
Well I'm happy to announce that I have finally done it! I've opened a Kindermusik studio on the EAST SIDE of town. Starting in the FALL I will be in ARTSERVE, an artist facility located 1 mile east of I-95 on Sunrise Blvd. Classes will be on Tuesdays. To learn more, call me or click on the purple circle on your right!
Have a Musical Day!
Miss Peggy

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Importance of Sensory Play

Splish, splish, splash! Did you take a moment today to make bath time giggly, musical and fun? For you and your baby, water play is a great sensory experience -- mixing play time, water, a rhyme, baby and you!

And although we call it play, your baby's mind calls it thinking, experimenting, figuring it out, exploring and problem solving. Play that taps into many of your baby's senses, is fundamental in helping your baby learn, prompting actions or responses, and interacting with others.

This week include some sensory play time. Take a look around your house for a common household item that would be engaging, fun, safe and employ many of your baby's senses. You don't have to limit yourself to the bathtub! Some ideas: empty boxes, pots and pans, or just plain paper can provide sensory play opportunities.

Until our next Kindermusik day,

Miss Peggy

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Music means quiet time too!

Ahhh... quiet time -- listening to calming music, relaxing, snuggling, and getting still -- is what we focus on. Each week, we plan on a quiet time activity -- for parents as well as for the little ones.

It may look like we are "doing nothing," but quiet time allows your baby to learn how to calm down, take in new information, and process new experiences in a more relaxed state of mind. Learning how to relax helps soothe daily stress and frustration, becoming a necessary skill that will last into adulthood.

This week, plan to tuck in a few quiet times during each day. Take a deep breath, turn on some quiet music and let yourself "be" with your baby. As a side note, many babies associate quiet time with sleepy time. Since relaxation is actually a learned behavior it may take several days to establish your new quiet time routine.

Here's to Quiet Time,

Miss Peggy

Monday, June 6, 2011

How to dance with a squirmy child

So your newborn is not so new anymore. And you're thinking I would LOVE to put her in a music class but she wont sit still! The crazy days of an infant child have just been converted to the crazy days of an early toddler. You long for the days when you could hold her in your arms and dance to your own rhythm.

Just as our babies are starting to crawl, it's getting even harder to get them to be still and "rock" with Mommy! And a slow song just won't do!! Not to worry, as the purpose of dancing to lullabies is to faciliate tender bonding moments and relaxation time. Older babies who do not like to feel restrained can stand behind their adult and rock on their back! Adult/child pairs can face one another and push and pull like a row boat (either standing or sitting) or both may stand and rock like a pendulum (either back and forth or side-to-side). Or you can even model the behavior with a stuffed animal and let her copy you!

Try it and tell me how your child reacts!
Rock on...

Miss Peggy

Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Family Time Class

Do you have more than one child? Are you looking for a way to share music with everyone? Kindermuisk now adds Family Time to its list of class options!

Family Time brings parents and children together of all ages -- giving you a dynamic and energetic experience for the whole family. Each class allows you the opportunity to sing, move, read stories, play instruments, learn musical concepts and receive expert advice in a fun and engaging way, all based in music! In this class, every child is cherished and the family's together time is celebrated!

Click here to learn more!

Family Time classes will be held on Thursdays at 1 pm at my JCC location starting on June 16, 2011. Call or email me to reserve your spot in this new class! Class size is limited to 7 families.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer is almost here!

It's time to start thinking about enriching activities to make your child's summer special. Why don't you try a Kindermusik class? A free trial is available June 9 at the David Posnack JCC. Call or email me to learn more!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


In your first Kindermusik lesson through your last, you and your baby are introduced to several activities that will quickly become your favorite routines. Weekly class routines, such as the ones listed below help regulate your baby's inner clock and help your baby cope with change more easily. This, in turn, allows your child to develop a sense of identity within our new community.
Gathering Time -- Let's get to know each other before class begins!
Hello Song -- What better way to start off class than by singing hello to your baby and everyone else's!
Baby warm- up and exercise -- A great way to develop a life skill -- warm up those little muscles before becoming physically active.
Goodbye Song -- The perfect way to end the day and say good bye to our friends.

Adding music and movement to any of your baby's routines at home can make life more enjoyable for everyone. Choose a couple of your favorite songs and claim them as your routine songs -- one your early morning, one for diaper time, one for calming down -- no matter what time of day (or night). Stay with the song and routine combo and soon your baby will start to make the song and routine association, triggering a specific response.

Want to learn more? Contact me to join us for a free class! Or click on the treble clef to find a class near you!

Miss Peggy

Friday, March 4, 2011

Free Trial Class!

Springtime is the PERFECT time to nurture your child's love of music!

Have you heard about Kindermusik and want to learn more? Are you looking for a music class so that you can spend more quality time with your child? Then come visit us!

I'm offering a FREE TRIAL CLASS on THURSDAY March 10 at my location at the David Posnack Jewish Community Center (see link on the right)

AND another FREE TRIAL CLASS on WEDNESDAY March 23 at my location at the British Swim Schools (see link on the right).

Call or email me today to reserve your spot! Or join my mailing list to learn about other opportunities to join the Kindermusik family!

Looking forward to sharing music with you,

Miss Peggy

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Benefits of Your Loving Touch

Every class (for our children 18 months and younger) we start with a segment of "intentional touch" -- a fancy way of describing a baby massage. And we all have come across at one time or another an article on the benefits of infant massage. But notwithstanding what the experts may say, we can tell as parents and caregivers -- the infants love it! Sometimes babies may appear a little uncomfortable; sometimes babies decide to "crawl away." Since you know your baby best, I always give you lots of ideas and ways to adapt activities and still get the full benefits!!

The warm-up activity in Kindermusik combines music, massage, and your loving touch. The many benefits include: stimulating your baby's nerves, increasing blood flow, and strengthening the immune system. Massage calms your baby by reducing stress hormones and helps soothe your baby by aiding in digestion! And for our crawlers and toddlers -- they love the massage -- they just can't wait to start moving to the music too!

So at bath time or bed time -- include a song, massage and your loving touch.

Miss Peggy

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Developing Audiation

Even the youngest of babies can tell when something stops before "the end."

The musical term for this activity is called audiation. This is the ability to hear music when no musical sound is present. It requires listening and memory skills. This skill carries over into other areas of brain development and learning.

From time to time, include audiation into playtime. Sing your baby's favorite song and leave out the last word. Wait and give you little singer time to fill in the missing "word" (baby sounds are perfectly acceptable!). After a while, leave out the word at the end of the sentence. Example: Old McDonald had a ______________________, E-I-E-I ______________.

See you next ______!


Miss Peggy

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sound and Silence

Does your child love to play peek-a-boo? Have you every tried playing a game of musical peek-a boo?

When we think of music, we think of sound. But music is as much silence as it is sound. Silence in music makes us wait, makes us listen, and gives us time to wonder what's next. After the silence, our expectations are either confirmed or contradicted. Games that include elements of sound and silence help develop a life skill of focused attention.

Just like peek-a-boo, a listening game can be played almost anywhere. Keep a rattle, egg shaker, or small interesting sounding toy close by to play at anytime. After playing your home-made instrument, hide it behind your back and "listen" to the silence. What do you hear? And when you start to play again, make it a fun and happy surprise! Watch how your child will delight in this game. Just "listen" to the learning happen.

Enjoy. I'll be listening for you!

Miss Peggy

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's Music Time!

Is 2011 the year to add music to your child's education? Then it's time to come to Kindermusik! Classes are filling up fast and with my new location in Davie, there are even more ways to sing, dance and have fun with your child!

Did you know that dancing also has developmental benefits? Research shows that movement is the key to learning. Our brains fully develop through movement activities such as crawling, rolling, turning, bouncing, walking, reaching, swinging and DANCING!

Get baby up and move! During the day when your little dancer is alert, play a favorite song and try some new moves. Dance with your baby in your arms and then place baby on the floor and gently move arms and legs to the beat.

See you in class!

Miss Peggy