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Monday, June 6, 2011

How to dance with a squirmy child

So your newborn is not so new anymore. And you're thinking I would LOVE to put her in a music class but she wont sit still! The crazy days of an infant child have just been converted to the crazy days of an early toddler. You long for the days when you could hold her in your arms and dance to your own rhythm.

Just as our babies are starting to crawl, it's getting even harder to get them to be still and "rock" with Mommy! And a slow song just won't do!! Not to worry, as the purpose of dancing to lullabies is to faciliate tender bonding moments and relaxation time. Older babies who do not like to feel restrained can stand behind their adult and rock on their back! Adult/child pairs can face one another and push and pull like a row boat (either standing or sitting) or both may stand and rock like a pendulum (either back and forth or side-to-side). Or you can even model the behavior with a stuffed animal and let her copy you!

Try it and tell me how your child reacts!
Rock on...

Miss Peggy